Information, videos, and articles
As adults, we regularly ask ourselves several questions a day. As parents, those questions increase tremendously, and there is more worry associated with them! When it comes to language and your child, you might ask yourself:
How can I support my child in the early years if I don’t speak or understand French well—or at all?
Do I send my child to a French or immersion school?
How can I help my child with his or her French homework assignments?
… and the list goes on and on!
Here is a list of excellent information and videos to help you navigate, the non-francophone parent, on your journey to raising a bilingual or multilingual child.
PDF Resources

PDF- Growing up learning French - birth to 24 months

PDF - Growing up learning French - 2 to 5 years old

PDF - Mixed couples

PDF - Building a Francophone identity

PDF - Ways to encourage French in the household

GUIDE TO RAISING BILINGUAL CHILDREN- Empowering multilingual families in Manitoba