CRÉE - The Centre de ressources éducatives à l’enfance
Discover LE CRÉE and our network of 17 locations
Located at the FPFM facility in Winnipeg, LE CRÉE acts as the hub of the 17 CRÉEs, offering 11 rural locations and 6 urban locations in Manitoba for FPFM members.
LE CRÉE gathers all French resources available for you to borrow and that can be either delivered or picked up directly at your local CRÉE.
Experience the French language and culture!
The Centre de ressources éducatives à l’enfance (CRÉE) provides members with hundreds of French resources for children from birth to age 12 and their families or guardians. At the CRÉE, there’s always something fun to do!
French resources to borrow: toys, games, books, movies, and more!
A network of local families to connect with.
In person and online activities that empower children learning French.
Reserve a bundle of CRÉE resources
Please fill out the form below and we will contact you when your bag of resources is ready for curb side pick-up.
The programming and services offered in the CRÉEs are aimed at the positive development of children aged 0 to 12 years and their families. They equip parents, the child's first educators, in areas such as:
literacy and numeracy
health and well-being,
global development,
cultural identity,
linguistic vitality,
support for multilingual families.
The CRÉEs also supports Nursery Schools, Childcare Centre's, and Mini-Franco-Funs groups.
The French Childhood Resources Centres (Centres de ressources éducatives à l'enfance) are places where parents can spend time with their children.
Locate and contact your local CRÉE today!
Urban Locations
2-622B avenue Taché,
Winnipeg (St-Boniface)
204 237-9666 poste 205
CRÉE Roméo-Dallaire
Winnipeg (St-James)
204 202-1018
CRÉE Lacerte
Winnipeg (St-Vital)
204 202-2846
CRÉE Précieux-Sang
Winnipeg (St-Boniface)
204 202-1017
CRÉE Noël-Ritchot
Winnipeg (St-Norbert)
204 202-1023
CRÉE Taché
Winnipeg (St-Boniface)
204 202-1018
CRÉE Christine-Lespérance
Winnipeg (St-Vital)
204 202-1023
Rural Locations
CRÉE virtual
204 202-2846
See calendar of the month
CRÉE Lagimodière
204 202-2853
CRÉE Ste-Agathe
431 409-1900
CRÉE Saint-Jean-Baptiste
204 202-2862
CRÉE Gabrielle-Roy
204 202-2853
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See calendar of the month
CRÉE Notre-Dame
431 784-9712
CRÉE Pointe-des-Chênes
204 424-7010
See calendar of the month
CRÉE Saint-Laurent
204 646-6020
See calendar of the month
CRÉE St-Joachim
La Broquerie
204 424-7010
See calendar of the month
CRÉE La Source
431 488-0637
See calendar of the month
CRÉE Saint-Georges
204 367-6012
See calendar of the month
CRÉE Réal-Bérard
204 202-2862